January 8, 2010

My Brave Valentine

Love makes such a part of what you are
More precious are you than that Renoir

You're the Valentine beyond each dream
The glow of your heart's a true sunbeam

Your loving care reaches from afar
When I awake you're my morning star

These words that I use so want to say
What you mean to me each night, each day

As you serve our country with heartfelt pride
I pray that God will stay near your side

Your loyalty brings a smile to me
And I know your love shines constantly

To those who march with you, they are grand
I send each some love from their homeland

There's one more thing that I have to write
To keep in your heart both day and night

Please know that my love is so very true
My Brave Valentine, Oh Yes! That's You!

©2010Roger J. Robicheau
Former SP5 US Army


Unknown said...

This is my first visit to your blog and I will return to read your words soon. My heartfelt thanks to your daughter for her sacrifice. Please know I will hold both of you in my prayers.

Unknown said...

That's beautiful.